The program focuses on providing a safe and supportive environment to abused women and their families, including those who have been sexually abused, where they can receive counselling, support, education, and information on other support services in the community.

The services are provided through individual, couple and group counselling. Assessments and service plans are jointly developed to determine the most appropriate way to provide a focused service.


This program for women and their families aims to:

  • help women and their families deal with safety issues
  • learn about the impact of violence on self and the family unit
  • identify and deal with feelings
  • build a positive self image and develop a sense of personal control in their lives; increase their problem solving and decision making abilities
  • provide information regarding other relevant services in the community; to assist women and their families to use these services, as needed
  • collaborate with other service providers in the community to help meet the comprehensive needs of abused women and their families
  • provide culturally and racially sensitive services

Individual Counselling

Individual counselling works with the woman to assist her in healing from the impact of abuse and develop a safety plan for her and her family. The process starts with the woman and her counsellor making an assessment and identifying goals that will be worked on in counselling.

Couple Counselling

This service is offered to couples where issues of woman abuse may have been identified at intake. It is a one-session assessment, taking up to two hours. The goals are to determine safety and to make recommendations regarding which services would be appropriate.

Transitional Housing and Support

Extra individual services are available for women in the process of leaving an abusive relationship to assist them with increasing their safety, finding housing, and advocacy to connect with relevant community services.

Before applying for this program, please contact us so we can determine the best service for you.

Click here to apply for any of the above services

Have you spoken to an intake worker regarding our services?

Woman Abuse Groups

Understanding Abuse – An 8 to 10 week closed group for women who have experienced abuse in their intimate relationships with men. It is required that participants already be connected with an Individual Counsellor (for additional support) in order to attend this group.

Navigating Emotions Thoughtfully – A group for women who want to learn new strategies to respond to their emotions after trauma.

RISE – A drop-in group that provides support, resources, and information to women who are dealing with the impact of abuse in their partner relationships.

Here to Help – These groups are for women and their children who have been exposed to intimate partner abuse.

For more information about the Woman Abuse groups, please click here and submit the form for a staff person to contact you.

Resources for Women

Pour plus de renseignements sur l’aide pour les femmes victimes de violence offerent en français, veuillez s’il vous plaît consulter l’agence partenaire qui est financé par le Ministère des Services Sociaux et Communautaires de la province de l’Ontario:

OASIS Centre des Femmes, Tel 1-877-336-2433, TTY 1-866-860-7082 is a website designed to help women get information on family law matters. Click here for the onefamilylaw website.