Self-Confident Woman Group
Online Via ZoomSubsidies are available A group for women interested in building on their confidence.
Subsidies are available A group for women interested in building on their confidence.
Subsidies are available A group where women will be given the opportunity to learn to deal with their anger in a positive, healthy fashion.
Subsidies are available A 7-week psycho-educational group designed for women who are interested in exploring their identity and becoming more aware of their strengths and resourcefulness. This group is meant to provide participants with skills and knowledge that will assist them in the process of reaching healthy levels of confidence. Screening interview required.
Subsidies are available The Love after Loss Wellness Program offers both women and men a learning environment which is safe, welcoming and non-judgmental. This 6-week, psycho-educational program, explores the necessary elements of a healthy long term relationship.
Subsidies are available A group where women will be given the opportunity to learn to deal with their anger in a positive, healthy fashion.
Subsidies are available A group for women interested in building on their confidence.
Subsidies are available A group for women interested in building on their confidence.
SEPT 27th - NOV 29th Subsidies are available A group where women will be given the opportunity to learn to deal with their anger in a positive, healthy fashion. MORE INFO
Subsidies are available The Love after Loss Wellness Program offers both women and men a learning environment which is safe, welcoming, and non-judgmental. This 6-week, psycho-educational program, explores the necessary elements of a healthy long-term relationship.
FEB 27th - APR 30th Subsidies are available A group where women will be given the opportunity to learn to deal with their anger in a positive, healthy fashion. MORE INFO
Subsidies are available March 25 - April 29 The Love after Loss Wellness Program offers both women and men a learning environment which is safe, welcoming, and non-judgmental. This 6-week, psycho-educational program, explores the necessary elements of a healthy long-term relationship.