Understanding Abuse
Online Via ZoomSubsidies are available An 8 to 10 week closed group for women who have experienced abuse in their intimate partner relationship. Contact Us
Subsidies are available An 8 to 10 week closed group for women who have experienced abuse in their intimate partner relationship. Contact Us
Re-marriage preparation is a five session course that prepares couples for the Sacrament of Marriage. Please complete the registration and payment to guarantee your place in the group. The sessions take place at the same time for consecutive weeks unless otherwise noted. ** Cost is per couple. ** NOTE 1 - This registration does […]
Single Partners Marriage preparation is a three-session course that prepares couples for the sacrament of marriage. This course is only for individuals who are getting married with partners who are not in the same time zone and cannot attend marriage prep together. Please complete the registration and payment to guarantee your place in the group. […]
May 9th - 30th Topic: explore how to make the case, to explain and defend; the Catholic faith Register at: https://nbcbc0523.eventbrite.ca
Subsidies are available UNDERSTANDING ABUSE GROUP UPCOMING DATES: Tuesdays, May 16th to July 11th, 2023 (8 weeks) Please Note: ** There will be no group session on May 30th ** This is a psycho-educational support group for women who have experienced any type of domestic abuse from an intimate partner (verbal, emotional/ psychological, financial, physical, […]
A drop-in group that provides support, resources, and information to women who are dealing with the impact of abuse in their partner relationships. Contact Us
Subsidies are available Choosing To Change is a 10 week program for men, who have used emotional, verbal and/or physical abuse in their relationships with women, and wish to change. The primary purpose of the program is to help men end their abusive behaviour.
Topic: healthy insights and practical suggestions for blended families Register at: https://nbbf0523.eventbrite.ca
Topic: Spring Grief: Possibilities and Promises Register at: https://nbbdno.eventbrite.ca
Topic: Spring Grief: Possibilities and Promises Register at: https://nbbd05.eventbrite.ca
Topic: Spring Grief: Possibilities and Promises Register at: https://nbsddno.eventbrite.ca
Topic: Spring Grief: Possibilities and Promises Register at: https://nbdsd05.eventbrite.ca
Subsidies are available A group for women interested in building on their confidence.
Topic: exploring grief, experiencing healing and renewing faith. Register at: https://nbb0623.eventbrite.ca
Topic: Exploring the "both/and" of Catholicism Register at: https://cbc0623.eventbrite.ca
Topic: exploring grief, experiencing healing and renewing faith. Register at: https://nbsd0623.eventbrite.ca
Marriage preparation is a six session course that prepares couples for the Sacrament of Marriage. Please complete the registration and payment to guarantee your place in the group. The sessions take place at the same time for consecutive weeks unless otherwise noted. ** Cost is per couple - One "ticket" covers BOTH partners. ** […]
Marriage preparation is a four session course that prepares couples for the Sacrament of Marriage. Please complete the registration and payment to guarantee your place in the group. The sessions take place at the same time for consecutive weeks unless otherwise noted. ** Cost is per couple - One "ticket" covers BOTH partners. ** […]
Marriage preparation is a four session course that prepares couples for the Sacrament of Marriage. Please complete the registration and payment to guarantee your place in the group. The sessions take place at the same time for consecutive weeks unless otherwise noted. ** Cost is per couple - One "ticket" covers BOTH partners. ** […]
Topic: information about counselling services and wellness groups Register at: https://mg0723.eventbrite.ca
Topic: Summer Grief: Escape or Encounter? Register at: https://nbbd07.eventbrite.ca
Topic: Summer Grief: Escape or Encounter? Register at: https://nbsdd07.eventbrite.ca
Marriage preparation is a six session course that prepares couples for the Sacrament of Marriage. Please complete the registration and payment to guarantee your place in the group. The sessions take place at the same time for consecutive weeks unless otherwise noted. ** Cost is per couple – One “ticket” covers BOTH partners. ** […]
Marriage preparation is a six session course that prepares couples for the Sacrament of Marriage. Please complete the registration and payment to guarantee your place in the group. The sessions take place at the same time for consecutive weeks unless otherwise noted. ** Cost is per couple – One “ticket” covers BOTH partners. ** […]
** NO CLASS SEPT. 2nd ** Marriage preparation is a four session course that prepares couples for the Sacrament of Marriage. Please complete the registration and payment to guarantee your place in the group. The sessions take place at the same time for consecutive weeks unless otherwise noted. ** Cost is per couple – One […]
In-Person Grief Support Session August 15 from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Topic: Share discussions with others in a safe, welcoming, and non-judgmental in-person forum. Register at: https://nbgss0823.eventbrite.ca
Marriage preparation is a six session course that prepares couples for the Sacrament of Marriage. Please complete the registration and payment to guarantee your place in the group. The sessions take place at the same time for consecutive weeks unless otherwise noted. ** Cost is per couple – One “ticket” covers BOTH partners. ** […]
Marriage preparation is a six session course that prepares couples for the Sacrament of Marriage. Please complete the registration and payment to guarantee your place in the group. The sessions take place at the same time for consecutive weeks unless otherwise noted. ** Cost is per couple – One “ticket” covers BOTH partners. ** […]
Marriage preparation is a six session course that prepares couples for the Sacrament of Marriage. Please complete the registration and payment to guarantee your place in the group. The sessions take place at the same time for consecutive weeks unless otherwise noted. ** Cost is per couple – One “ticket” covers BOTH partners. ** […]
Marriage preparation is a four session course that prepares couples for the Sacrament of Marriage. Please complete the registration and payment to guarantee your place in the group. The sessions take place at the same time for consecutive weeks unless otherwise noted. ** Cost is per couple – One “ticket” covers BOTH partners. ** […]
Marriage preparation is a four session course that prepares couples for the Sacrament of Marriage. Please complete the registration and payment to guarantee your place in the group. The sessions take place at the same time for consecutive weeks unless otherwise noted. ** Cost is per couple – One “ticket” covers BOTH partners. ** […]
A drop-in group that provides support, resources, and information to women who are dealing with the impact of abuse in their partner relationships. Contact Us
Subsidies are available A group for women interested in building on their confidence.
SEPT 27th - NOV 29th Subsidies are available A group where women will be given the opportunity to learn to deal with their anger in a positive, healthy fashion. MORE INFO
Topic: Autumn Grief: Change and Continuity Register at: https://bd0923.eventbrite.ca
Topic: Autumn Grief: Change and Continuity Register at: https://sdd0923.eventbrite.ca
Subsidies are available A group for women who want to learn new strategies to respond to their emotions after trauma. Contact Us
Marriage preparation is a six session course that prepares couples for the Sacrament of Marriage. Please complete the registration and payment to guarantee your place in the group. The sessions take place at the same time for consecutive weeks unless otherwise noted. ** Cost is per couple – One “ticket” covers BOTH partners. ** […]
Subsidies are available An 8 to 10 week closed group for women who have experienced abuse in their intimate partner relationship. Participants are required to already be connected with an individual counsellor for additional support. Contact Us
Marriage preparation is a six session course that prepares couples for the Sacrament of Marriage. Please complete the registration and payment to guarantee your place in the group. The sessions take place at the same time for consecutive weeks unless otherwise noted. ** Cost is per couple – One “ticket” covers BOTH partners. ** […]
** NO CLASS OCT. 31st ** Re-marriage preparation is a five session course that prepares couples for the Sacrament of Marriage. Please complete the registration and payment to guarantee your place in the group. The sessions take place at the same time for consecutive weeks unless otherwise noted. ** Cost is per couple. ** […]
Topic: managing pain and heartache through empathy Register at: https://nbhlg1023.eventbrite.ca
Marriage preparation is a six session course that prepares couples for the Sacrament of Marriage. Please complete the registration and payment to guarantee your place in the group. The sessions take place at the same time for consecutive weeks unless otherwise noted. ** Cost is per couple – One “ticket” covers BOTH partners. ** […]
Marriage preparation is a four session course that prepares couples for the Sacrament of Marriage. Please complete the registration and payment to guarantee your place in the group. The sessions take place at the same time for consecutive weeks unless otherwise noted. ** Cost is per couple – One “ticket” covers BOTH partners. ** […]
Marriage preparation is a four session course that prepares couples for the Sacrament of Marriage. Please complete the registration and payment to guarantee your place in the group. The sessions take place at the same time for consecutive weeks unless otherwise noted. ** Cost is per couple – One “ticket” covers BOTH partners. ** […]
Subsidies are available The Love after Loss Wellness Program offers both women and men a learning environment which is safe, welcoming, and non-judgmental. This 6-week, psycho-educational program, explores the necessary elements of a healthy long-term relationship.
A drop-in group that provides support, resources, and information to women who are dealing with the impact of abuse in their partner relationships. Contact Us
OCT 21st & NOV 4th - 9AM - 5PM ** One "ticket" covers cost for both partners. ** Subsidies are available Hold Me Tight® Conversations for Connection - A Relationship Workshop for Couples Join us if: You desire more effective communication with your partner. You are curious about the underlying reasons for your conflicts. You […]
Marriage preparation is a six session course that prepares couples for the Sacrament of Marriage. Please complete the registration and payment to guarantee your place in the group. The sessions take place at the same time for consecutive weeks unless otherwise noted. ** Cost is per couple – One “ticket” covers BOTH partners. ** […]
Marriage preparation is a four session course that prepares couples for the Sacrament of Marriage. Please complete the registration and payment to guarantee your place in the group. The sessions take place at the same time for consecutive weeks unless otherwise noted. ** Cost is per couple – One “ticket” covers BOTH partners. ** […]